We’ve posted this poster in all the local haunts- Sliters Hardware, the PO Office, etc.
We are so very excited to open the Mansion up to the community. I grew up near the Mansion- and have been interested in the building for years. While growing up, the Mansion was owned by the McDevitt family (who owned the Mansion from approximately 1946-2005). The last of the McDevitts to live there closed the Mansion off to the world, rarely inviting people in. The subsequent owners likewise invited only a select few people into the Mansion. As a result, the community is full of people like me who have been curious to see inside for years. This is their opportunity!
Due to COVID, we won’t be giving tours. Rather, we’re just going to let people explore the house on their own. It’s empty and any damage to be done has already been done.
We will set up a table outside and eagerly wait to hear what people think! We’re looking forward to meeting attendees and sharing stories about the mansion.